These VOIP operators (much more) has own web pages, but it is only one company. Difereces are in details. Look their web pages. .

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Need to buy credit for:

VoipBuster/ VoipDiscount/ VoipStunt/ VoipCheap/
SipDiscount/ InternetCalls/ FreeCall/
LowRateWoip/ PoivY a další?

Minimum credit - 5 euro
5 euro credit you can buy for 200,- Kč.
every other 1 euro 40,- Kč
for example:
you need 15 euro, send 600 Kč

Send money to account:
Česká spořitelna account number: 1046632083/0800

  • As a variable symbol fill your mobile phone number (for potential contact).
  • (while payment at the branch fill nothing, you will save 45 Kč. Payment will be identified according to branch code (look FORM))

  • After payment click here and fill electronic FORM

    You can TopUp more accounts at once.
    You, wife, son, friend and neighbour wants buy credit€10. Send 5x400 = 2000,-Kc to account above and to field "LoginName" of FORM fill login names + amount you want to topup individual accounts: "pnovak - 400, novaksyn - 400, hnovakova - 400, pepe1225 - 400, sousedxxx - 400".

    You can send me money over MoneyBookers - my MoneyBookers account is for credit €5 send €7.

    For deliver cash in Brno - call me
    E-MAIL -
    kotoucx at VoipBuster
    Tel: 602 790 332
    Tel2: 533 312 212 (20:00-22:00)

