
Instalace RDS CAL licencí WINDOWS 2016 WORKGROUP (bez domeny
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Autor:  kotouc [ úte lis 27, 2018 11:43 pm ]
Předmět příspěvku:  Instalace RDS CAL licencí WINDOWS 2016 WORKGROUP (bez domeny

https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Fo ... inserverTS

1. Server Manager -- Add roles and features -- Role-based -- Server Roles -- Remote Desktop Services -- select RD Session Host and RD Licensing Role Services -- finish wizard. Restart

2. Open gpedit.msc. Set the licensing mode to match the type of purchased RDS CALs you have, and Specify the FQDN of your RD Licensing server (localhost is fine in your case)

Computer Configuration\ Administrative Templates\ Windows Components\ Remote Desktop Services\ Remote Desktop Session Host\ Licensing\

Use the specified Remote Desktop licensing servers Enabled

Set the Remote Desktop licensing mode Enabled

3. Open RD Licensing Manager (licmgr.exe). Activate the server, then Install your purchased RDS CALs


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Thank you for your reply but there is no more Remote Desktop Services roles in 2016 when you did not install AD! I ran down the list about 50 times and found nothing related to RDS.

In did install recently a 2012 server and it was indeed the solution but now... Nothing.

Could he be coming from the fact I am testing 2016 Storage Server Workgroup?

This is why I am seeking help.


Edited by Christopher Kozely Tuesday, April 3, 2018 8:04 AM
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 7:52 AM
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Christopher Kozely5 Points
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Yes, they are there. Do not choose RDS installation option, instead choose Role-based or Feature-based option. Then you will see Remote Desktop Services in the list, and can choose RD Session Host and RD Licensing.

The above is for Server 2016 Standard or Datacenter.


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