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Windows 10: Windows stuck at black screen with spinning circle during boot
https://www.tenforums.com/general-suppo ... -boot.html

Nabootovat do nouzového režimu a odinstalovat INTEL ovladač grafiky, restart a mělo by to být OK.
Jak se dostat do nouzového režimu?

Nejprve musíme vynutit spuštění režimu automatiské opravy -------------------------------------------------------First you need to restart into automatic repair:

Dlouhým stiskem POWER tlačítka vypněte PC---------------------------------- Press and hold the power button until the computer shuts down.
Znovu ho zapněte----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press the power button again
Jakmile se kolečko roztočí, zase dlouhám stiskem PC vypněte---------------------------------------------As soon as the spinning wheel starts, press and hold the power button
Opakuj, dokud se nespustí automatická oprava (většinou 3 opakování)--------------------------------Repeat until automatic repair starts (usually 3 loops).
Vyber "Rozšířené možnosti"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Select "advanced options"
Vyber "Troubleshoot"
Vyber "Rozšířené možnosti (řádek dole) Advanced options" from the Troubleshoot menu
Vyber "Možnosti spuštění"
Počítač nastartuje do STARTUP nabídky
Vyber "Nouzový režim se sítí" (klávesami F1-F8)
PC naběhne v nouzovém režimu
Ve správci zařízení odinstaluj ovladač grafiky.
RESTART .. PC naběhne, ovladače se aktualizují.

Někdy není potřeba odinstalovávat ovladač grafiky, stačí z nouzového režimu restartovat ....
Windows stuck at black screen with spinning circle during boot

After installing April Update (version 1803, build 17134.1), Windows Update installed an update last night, which I supposed was 17134.5, and asked for a reboot. I turned down the laptop, I saw the message stating that Windows was working on updates, and then it shut down. However, when I booted up today, it got stuck in a black screen with spinning circle animation. The mouse cursor is visible, but nothing else works. Ctrl+Alt+Esc to open Task Manager does not work, neither does Ctrl+Alt+Del.

Is it possible to repair the installation without having to clean install Windows? I created a bootable USB flash drive and chose to repair Windows, but it didn't work. I wonder if using command prompt will be able to help me. Is there any software from which I can recover my files from C:\ partition before doing a clean installtion? Thanks in advance.

edit: I managed to enter into Startup settings and then boot in Safe Mode. It booted into a blue screen with this message:

"We couldn't complete the updates
Undoing changes
Don't turn off your computer."

And now it booted into Safe mode. I moved personal files from C:\ into D:\ partition, but I wish I could back up the whole C: partition, in case I have no other choice than to perform a clean installation.

edit 2: looks like it was an issue with Intel Graphics drivers. I booted into Safe mode, uninstalled Intel HD Graphics drivers and rebooted, and not it booted normally. I reinstalled latest Intel HD Graphics drivers package obtained from Intel website, and it's booting normally, apparently the problem has been solved. I wonder if Windows Update forced broken Intel graphic drivers.

I have recently had several computers have this problem after the Creator's Update.

I tracked it down to issues with Intel integrated graphics controllers. It seems to happen on Skylake processors (eg. i3, i5 6xxx and 7xxx series). I have also seen it happen on some Intel-based computers with factory-installed Nvidia chips).

The computer isn't hung, just the spinning screen displays instead of the desktop. Windows is actually merrily running and displaying a desktop that you can't see. To prove it, press Win-X, u, u and the computer will shut down (if your computer logs in without a password).
First you need to restart into automatic repair:
(The screens listed vary slightly in wording and options from Windows version to version)

Press and hold the power button until the computer shuts down.
Press the power button again
As soon as the spinning wheel starts, press and hold the power button
Repeat until automatic repair starts (usually 3 loops).
Select "advanced options"
Select "Troubleshoot"
Select "Advanced options" from the Troubleshoot menu
Select "Startup settings"
Click Restart
The computer will restart into the startup menu.
Select "Safe mode with networking" (isn't this so much better than pressing F8 on startup?)
Windows will restart in safe mode.
Right-click on the windows logo and choose "device manager"
Find your video adapter and uninstall the driver.
reboot the computer -- it should reboot normally.
Find and download the latest driver FROM YOUR COMPUTER MANUFACTURER'S WEB SITE.

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