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 Předmět příspěvku: WINDOWS aktivovány ale nejsou GENUINE
PříspěvekNapsal: stř zář 14, 2016 8:23 pm 
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CMD jako admin
slmgr /rearm (nemusí být potřeba)
slmgr /ato

https://techjourney.net/slmgr-commands- ... ctivation/

windows activation
This solution is the only one worked for me… restoring windows to an earlier point did not work for me. So try the following

1) Click Start button.
2) Type: CMD.exe into the ‘Search programs and files’ field
3) Right-Click on CMD.exe and select Run as Administrator
4) Type: net stop sppsvc (It may ask you if you are sure, select yes)
Note: the Software Protection service may not be running, this is ok.
5) Type: cd %windir%\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SoftwareProtectionPlatform
6) Type: rename tokens.dat tokens.bar
7) Type: cd %windir%\system32
8) Type: net start sppsvc
9) Type: slui.exe
10) After a couple of seconds Windows Activation dialog will appear. You may be asked to re-activate and/or re-enter your product key or Activation may occur automatically.

Syntax of SLMgr

slmgr [machinename [username password]] [option]
machinename is local or remote computer or PC that wants to administer. By default, if no machine name, user name and password is specified, current local machine is assumed.

username is administrator equivalent user account to login into the computer.

password is password for the user account.


slmgr remote_computer administrator password -dli
Options of SLMgr

slmgr /dli (display the current license information of Windows with activation status and last 5 characters of partial product key)

slmgr -dli

slmgr /dlv (stands for display license information, verbose, similar to -dli switch but with more detailed information)

slmgr -dlv

slmgr /ipk <xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx> (enter a new or replace and change the current product key with the new product key supplied at xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx)

slmgr /xpr (shows expiration date of current license state if Windows Vista is not permanently activated)

slmgr -xpr

slmgr /ato (activate Windows Vista license and product key against Microsoft’s server)

slmgr /upk (uninstall current installed product key and return license status back to trial state)

slgmr /cpky (clear the product key from the registry to prevent disclosure attacks)

slmgr /ilc <license file> (install license)

slmgr /rilc (re-install system license files)

slmgr /rearm (reset the licensing status and activation state of the machine)

slmgr /rearm-app (reset the licensing status of the given app)

slmgr /rearm-sku (reset the licensing status of the given SKU)

The following options used with offline activation such as through phone:

slmgr /dti (display installation ID for offline activation)

slmgr /atp <confirmation ID> (activate product with user-provided Confirmation ID)

SLMgr options for Volume Licensing Activation Using KMS (Key Management Service):

slmgr /skms activationservername

slmgr /sprt <port>

slmgr /skms activationservername:port (set the KMS server and the port used for KMS activation for Windows Vista Business edition and Windows Vista Enterprise edition)

For example:

slmgr /skms

slmgr /skms KMSHost:8090
slmgr /ckms (clear the name of KMS server used to default and port to default)

slmgr /skms-domain <FQDN> (set the specific DNS domain in which all KMS SRV records can be found)

slmgr /ckms-domain (clear the specific DNS domain in which all KMS SRV records can be found)

slmgr /skhc (enable KMS host caching)

slmgr /ckhc (disable KMS host caching)

slmgr /sai <activation interval> (sets the interval in minutes for unactivated clients to attempt KMS connection.)

slmgr /sri <activation interval> (sets the renewal interval in minutes for activated clients to attempt KMS connection)

slmgr /sdns (enable DNS publishing by the KMS host)

slmgr /cdns (disable DNS publishing by the KMS host)

slmgr /spri (set the KMS priority to normal)

slmgr /cpri (set the KMS priority to low)

slmgr /act-type (set a value in the registry that limits volume activation to a single type: 1 for Active Directory; 2 for KMS activation; 3 for token-based activation; 0 for any activation type)

SLMgr Options for Token-based Volume Activation:

slmgr /lil (list installed Token-based Activation Issuance Licenses)

slmgr /ril <ILID> <ILvID> (remove installed Token-based Activation Issuance Licenses)

slmgr /ltc (list Token-based Activation Certificates)

slmgr /fta <Certificate Thumbprint> <PIN> (force Token-based activation)

SLMgr Options for Active Directory-based Activation:

slmgr /ad-activation-online <Product Key> (collect Active Directory data and initiates Active Directory forest activation using the credentials that the command prompt is running)

slmgr /ad-activation-get-IID <Product Key> (start Active Directory forest activation in phone mode)

slmgr /ad-activation-apply-cid <Product Key> <Confirmation ID> (complete activation through activation phone call)

slmgr /ao-list (display all of the activation objects that are available to the local computer)

slmgr /del-ao <AO_DN> (delete the specified activation object from the forest)

Note: If when you enter slmgr command and an error returns that ‘SLMgr’ is not a recognized internal or external command, the cause is due to \Windows\System32 directory is not inside your environment’s path. Simply type the full path of (assuming C: is Windows volume) C:\Windows\System32\slmgr, or change directory to %WinDir%\System32 before issuing the SLMgr command.

Update: Windows Software Licensing Management Tool (SLMGR.vbs) Usage Guide

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