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PříspěvekNapsal: čtv srp 13, 2015 5:39 pm 
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Registrován: stř čer 07, 2006 9:20 pm
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http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/613 ... r-hardware
To sort it out do this: At "windows setup cannot configure windows for this hardware"
At the first error hit SHIFT F10
Type -
Cd c:\windows\system32\oobe
This should force the installation to continue.
If the error reappears click on OK and let it restart the system, once restarted it should carry on with the installation

http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/wind ... 8f5?auth=1
When prompted with error unable to complete installation:
Hit SHIFT-F10 to bring up command prompt.

type MMC
Click File -> Add/Remove Snap-in... (Or CTRL+M)
Select Computer Management (Double click and Finish on Local Computer)
Click OK
Double click Computer Management (Local) -> System Tools -> Local Users and Groups -> Users -> Double Click Administrator -> Uncheck Account is disabled -> OK
Now right click Administrator -> Set Password... -> Set a decent password to get started.

Now, restart. Should be good to go.

If this doesn't work try next step:
SHIFT-F10 to bring up command prompt.
type: CD C:\windows\system32\oobe
type msoobe
Make a generic account and password. hit finish (if it requests a product key and you have one, enter it now. if OEM/No key required, just finish). Set time/date. Finish.
Should be good to go.

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