1. Disable Windows Updates (tell it to never check for updates). 2. Reboot. 3. Download and install Internet Explorer 11. 4. Download update B3083710, KB3102810, KB3020369, KB3050265, KB3172605 and place it on your desktop (make sure you get the correct one, 64 bit or 32 (X86) bit). Place on your desktop. 5. Reboot. 6. Go into Computer Management (right click on Computer in Start Menu) and select Services. 7. Stop Windows Update service. 8. Start Menu, Computer, C: drive, Windows, delete the entire Software Distribution folder. 9. Double click on updates below and let it install. B3083710 KB3102810 KB3020369 KB3050265 KB3172605 10: Reboot (this will turn update service back on). 11. Go into Windows Updates and check for updates. Give it about an hour, it may take less time but be patient. It will start working. 12. After installing your updates, you can turn Windows Update automatic check for updates back on if you like.
I have tested this on four fresh Windows 7 Home Premium and 3 Windows 7 Pro fresh installs and it worked on all of them.