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Právě je ned úno 09, 2025 12:53 pm

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Autor Zpráva
PříspěvekNapsal: pon led 13, 2025 8:33 am 
Hello everybody,

the 2025 Federal Election is approaching, and it's time to think about the most important topics and challenges that will occupy us in the coming years. The official website of the federal government already provides some information and focuses that are relevant for the election: [2025 Federal Election](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/ ... swahl-2025)

What are you hoping for for the upcoming election? Which topics are close to your heart and which parties or candidates do you think are the best? Here are some points we could discuss:

1. Economy and Employment: What measures are necessary that the economy remains stable and new jobs are created?
2. Environment and Climate Protection: What needs to be done to effectively combat climate change?
3. Social Justice: What steps are necessary to create a more just society?
4. Education and Innovation: What needs to be done to improve our education system and promote innovation?
5. Health and Care: How can we strengthen our healthcare system to ensure that all citizens have access to high-quality medical care?

Let us hear your thoughts and opinions! Together, we can have a lively discussion and perhaps even discover some interesting perspectives.

Kind regards

Bundestagswahl September 2025
2025 Federal Election: Let's Talk About It 570f735

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